Shoma Suzuki’s Portfolio

Nice to meet you.
My name is Shoma Suzuki, a finance and real estate writer, director, and supervisor.
Thank you for taking a look at my portfolio.

Below is a description of my profile, track record, and more.


Brief self-introduction

  • Originally from Adachi Ward, Tokyo
  • Currently living in Kyoto
  • Currently working as a freelance writer, mainly covering finance and real estate

Profile and achievements as a writer

  • 4 years of experience as a writer (3 years as a freelancer)
  • Over 1,000 articles written
  • Over 100 keywords ranked #1 in search results (Vol. ~ 4,500)
  • Over 1,000 keywords ranked in the top 10 in search results (Vol. ~ 40,000)
    *Articles for which I was only responsible for writing the main text are not included
    *I cannot share specific keywords, search rankings, or search volumes as it would cause inconvenience to clients
  • Increased monthly page views by 17,000 in 6 months ( 68% increase)
  • Number of service applications increased 1.7 times in 6 months
  • CTR improved from 9% to 13%
  • Many articles with a track record of being named and supervised
  • Has experience as a guest lecturer in paid writing courses (3 times)

Available services

  • SEO article writing (keyword selection, composition creation, writing of the text, image selection)
  • Article supervision
  • Internal SEO measures (site design, internal link optimization, etc.)
  • Writer direction
  • Script writing (YouTube, TikTok, etc.)
  • Article landing page writing
  • Listing ad writing
  • Interview article writing
  • Proofreading & editing
  • Rewrite
  • WordPress submission
  • Simple image creation

Genres with writing and supervision experience

Finance・Personal loans (card loans, home loans, real estate secured loans, etc.)
・Investments (stock investments, investment trusts, hedge funds, etc.)
・Funding (factoring, crowdfunding, grants, subsidies, etc.)
・Credit cards (card selection, cash advances, revolving payments, etc.)
・Asset formation (NISA, iDeCo, asset formation savings system, etc.)
・Social security systems (various pensions, injury and sickness benefits, welfare loan systems, etc.)
・Tax-related matters (tax savings, tax benefits, tax returns, inheritance, etc.)
・Insurance (life insurance, medical insurance, non-life insurance, etc.)
・FX (overseas and domestic)
・Debt consolidation
・Web3 area (cryptocurrency, metaverse, NFT art)
・Other (unlisted stocks, etc.)
Real estate・Real estate investment (investing in condominium units, managing an apartment building, selling a tower condominium, etc.)
・Purchasing a home (house builders, custom-built homes, pre-built homes, etc.)
・Selling a home (selling a detached house, selling a vacant house, leasing back, etc.)

Qualifications held

Level 2 Financial Planning Technician

Real estate agent

Financial experience

Hometown tax: 2023, 2024
Overseas FX: 8 months
New NISA: 6 months (Rakuten Orkan savings)

Article supervision (responsible for profile posting and fact checking)

I have supervised about 20 articles so far (however, it seems that many of the articles have been deleted)


株式会社STORIES 公式オウンドメデ...
【2025年最新】カードローン借り換えおすすめ12社!選び方のポイントも解説! 貸金業者や金融機関ではカードローンのサービスを展開していますが、現在の契約から他社のカードローンへ切り替えることを「カードローンの借り換え」と言います。 カード...

WILL STUDY(Wills Co., Ltd.)

法人におすすめの資金調達方法10選!金利や審査の甘さメリット・デメリットをそれぞれ解説 資金調達をする際に真っ先に頭に思い浮かぶのが銀行からの融資です。 しかし、銀行からの融資を断られてしまって資金調達ができずにいる法人は多いと思います。 とはいって...

Article writing (SEO)

I have written over 1,000 articles.

*Only “named articles” are posted.
*There are cases where incorrect Japanese is used, such as “ra-nuki-kotoba”, but this is intentional for SEO reasons.

お金の学び場「LOAN myac」(Acom Co., Ltd.): Responsible for writing the main text



いつも(K-Rise Holdings Co., Ltd.): In charge of keyword selection



Moneyism (Viscos Co., Ltd.): Responsible for creating the structure

Articles (columns)

K2 Colledge(K2 Investment):In charge from planning

Current available resources

Please contact us with a maximum of about 40 hours per month.

Delivery period

We are flexible, so please feel free to contact us.


In principle, we will make unlimited corrections due to my mistakes or lack of skills (rewrites are not included)

Profile and photo posting

Is possible.

Contact information

We check chat tools and emails about once an hour.
Please contact us anytime, regardless of the day or time.




■Graduated from a four-year university
■Retail company
 In charge of store staff and headquarters general affairs and human resources staff (labor management)
■Major private tutoring school
 In charge of all operations related to school operations as classroom manager
■Worked as a side job writer from June 2020
■Began working as a freelance writer from June 2021


Listening to music (V-kei, Vocaloid, Japanese rock, etc.)/FX/Reading (business, life hacks, psychology, etc.)/Watching videos (business, life hacks, etc.)/Music training/Beauty (especially anti-aging)/Singer activities/Karaoke/Watching anime/Games/Traveling/Hot springs/Saunas/Going around ramen shops

In conclusion

Thank you very much for reading to the end.
If we are able to find a wonderful connection, I will use the skills I have cultivated so far to contribute wholeheartedly.
Thank you very much for your support.

Contact information



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